Thursday, February 7, 2008

Week 6 Assignments

For Tuesday, Feb. 12:
  • Second draft of case study due today. Staple the following together: second draft, first draft, invention work, and peer review sheets.
  • Read p. 101-133 in your text.
  • Answer questions 3, 4, and 5 under "Considering Methods" on p. 123. Type your responses. This is due in today's class.
  • Revise and polish your restaurant review-- typed revision is due in class today.
  • Begin work on next essay: "Process Analysis." (assignment posted elsewhere in this blog)

For Thursday, Feb 14: (Happy Valentine's Day!)
  • Read p. 232-235 in your text; this should help with your Process Analysis paper.
  • First draft of Process Analysis due today. Bring a copy for the teacher and copies for groupmates.

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