Monday, January 7, 2008

Essay #1: Diagnostic

We’ve just finished the annual winter holiday break period. No doubt you managed to have some fun over the past few weeks—maybe you enjoyed Christmas with your family, or perhaps you went skiing or simply hung out and caught up on your favorite TV show. You might have enjoyed every minute of your break, or you might have had times when you were stressed by holiday expectations, work schedules, etc.


1. Please think about your time off, and freewrite for 5-10 minutes in response. Let your mind roam free as you capture your thoughts and impressions. How do you feel about you winter break? What things did you do? What activities and memories stand out?

2. Stop and read what you wrote. Take some more notes if new ideas come to you. You might decide to do some more freewriting. Your task is to pick one anecdote or example to write about.

3. Use your notes and ideas to draft a 1-page (or longer) essay about a memorable aspect of your holiday break. You’ll have time in class to begin writing this. Make use of the time!

4. Tonight, at home, continuing revising your work and create a typed final draft. Follow the class style guide (see syllabus). Your finished letter should be least one page long.

6. Return both the handwritten and typed versions to class on Thursday (day 2 of class), stapled together.

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