Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Finishing Your Six-Step Project

Purpose: Over the term, by creating a simple piece and revising it in several different ways, you’ve gained experience with simple revision.

Now it's time to "pretty up" a final version to turn in.

Here are the instructions we worked with all term:
1. Do a free-write about a favorite or memorable place. [Label this 1/6.]

1b. On a new piece of paper, rewrite/revise/tidy up the writing done for #1. Add things, remove them, move sentences and paragraphs around, etc. [Label: 1b/6]

2. On a new piece of paper, rewrite the work done in #1b. This time, add something to the original piece. [Label: 2/6] This might include:
• Another scene
• A new character
• A piece of dialog, etc.

3. On a new piece of paper, rewrite the work done in #2. This time, either change the tense or the point of view. [Label: 3/6] For example:
• If it was in present tense, change it to past.
• If it was in past tense, change it to present.
• If it was told in first person (I walked), change to third person (he/she walked).
• If it was told in third person, change to first person.

4. On a new piece of paper, rewrite the work done in #3. This time, transform the form of the piece. [Label: 4/6] For example:
• Change it into a poem.
• Write the piece as a blog entry or letter.
• Use the piece to create an imaginary advertisement.
• Write a scene for a screenplay.
5. On a new piece of paper, rewrite the work done in either #3 or #4. This time, take something away. [Label: 5/6] For example:
• Condense the time. If you wrote about a week, write about a day. If you wrote about a day, write about an hour.
• Or, make the piece shorter by actually removing something from it—a character, a scene, a whole paragraph, etc.And now... (drum roll)… Please pick your favorite draft from either #3, #4, or #5. Polish that favorite version to create a typed “final draft.” [Label: 6/6] You may revise or change it in any way you wish, or you may simply choose to type it neatly but leave it unchanged.

Please turn in the final typed version-- PLUS one a photocopy of your first draft (1/6 or 1b/6) on Thursday, March 13.

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