Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Your Final Portfolio

Your portfolio is your final project in this class, and accounts for 60% of your final grade.


Your portfolio should include the following materials, in this order:

1. A cover letter and evaluation (see below)
2. Your “Catastrophe” essay: two drafts (first and second drafts, both graded)
3. Your “Case Study” essay: two drafts (first and second drafts, both graded)
4. Your “Process Analysis” essay: two drafts (first and second drafts, both graded)
5. Your “General Project”: two drafts (the graded first and second drafts)
6. For at least one essay (choose among the “Catastrophe,” “Case Study,” and Process Analysis” essays), include a polished third draft.
7. For at least one essay, include your “paper trail”: invention work, outlines, initial drafts, peer comments, etc.
8. Include anything else you’d like to showcase.
9. Include your writer’s notebook—with 50+ pages of content.

The cover letter should include answers to the following questions:
1. Has this class helped to improve your writing skills? If so, how? If not, why not?
2. Have you accomplished what you wanted to in this class? (explain)
3. Which essay was your favorite? Why?
4. Which essay taught you the most? Why?
5. What was the most useful aspect of the work we did in this class? The least? (Please explain)
6. Is there anything else you’d like to add? Note that your comments will help adjust the class for future students.
Please submit your portfolio in a 3-ring binder. Separate each section with some sort of labeled divider.

Note! Extra points will be given for special effort spent on the portfolio’s overall appearance, general creativity, photos or sketches, a table of contents, etc. This is your chance to really showcase your writing—take some time with it and show your pride in how hard you’ve worked this term!

Portfolios are due in MY OFFICE on Tuesday, March 18,
between 8:00-12:00 am.

I cannot accept late portfolios. If you cannot turn it in during that time, you’ll have to turn it in earlier.

If you’d like your portfolio back, contact me at the beginning of spring term by email, and we’ll arrange it. Portfolios will be available in my office through spring term. Those unclaimed after spring term will be tossed.

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